Sunday, January 7, 2007

大漁!We busted! Advantage sushi寿司 and sashimi刺身 party at "S"!

Happy New Year! On January 5th, 塚田さん and I started the year out right by having a good day on the water. We went to 小浜 on the Sea of Japan. It was 大漁! In my English, I say, "we busted!" We got yellowtail (ハマチ) and mackeral (サワラ).  Then next day we had a fish party at my friend's restaurant called "S". It's located in Issha next to the old Advantage English. The master is really cool, smart and speaks English well. His wife is an amazing chef! Her specialty is Japanese food. So they were very happy to take all my fish and serve it up for us! Thank you. Please call 052-701-7914 for directions to "S".

明けましておめでとう。1月の5日に塚田さんと僕は海の上でいい日を過ごしながら今年を迎えることができました。僕たちは日本海に面する小浜に行きました。大漁でした!僕は英語で "We busted!"  といいます。ハマチとサワラが釣れました。そして次の日に’S’という、僕の友達のレストランで魚パーティーを開きました。場所は、旧アドバンテージイングリッシュ一社教室の隣にあります。店主さんはかっこよくて、賢くて、英語をとても上手に話します。彼の奥さんはすばらしいシェフです!彼女の専門は日本料理だそうです。なので、僕の魚全部を引き取り、僕たちに出す事ができたことがとても嬉しかったようです。ありがとうございました。’S’までの行き方は052-701-7914まで。


This is the picture I sent by cell phone to lure my friends to dinner!

Bee the ballerina showing off the ハマチの刺身!

Dr. Yendo fogged out.

Yellowtail sashimi anyone?


Fish heads rule!

塚田さん gets a サワラ!


I love Japanese food!

I'll give this カワハギ to 塚田さん。

No, this is too special for me. Give it to Mikiさん。

For me?! Wow! Thanks!!

It's a "thank you" present for all the cakes you baked!



"S" rocks!

What did he put in our drinks!?

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